Die Punk, Die!


Die Punk, Die! songs include:

  • Walking With Lacanthropy
  • Killing You
  • NI4NI
  • Rise Of The Insects
  • Every Man For Himself
  • Clock Stopped Ticking
  • The Drag
  • Too Dead
  • Where Have You Been?
  • Bogus
  • Nostalgia

Die Punk, Die! Now! also includes bonus songs: “Where Have You Been?” (featuring: Mark Steiner on backing vocals), “Bogus” & “Nostalgia.”

Immediately after parting ways with the Misfits as their lead singer, having toured most of Europe and South America, Myke Hideous came back to the USA and pieced together a four man band called SpySociety99 (SS99). The SS99 concept was the formation of a secret society of special agent spies, out to sabotage the music industry, among other devious spy stuff. Myke went under the alias: Special Agent SpY99 and before long he recruited three other secret agents: Special Agent G-13 on drums, Special Agent In-Ovo on guitar and Special Agent Que on bass. Together, these four musical spies began performing gigs on a consistent level. SS99 played more gigs in 2 months than Empire Hideous did in one year. SS99’s sound was a mixture of punk rock meets rock-a-billy, meets big band, meets jazz, meets swing, meets death rock. After recording four songs for a demo, SS99 eventually recorded the band’s entire set list of music, prepped to be released under the title: Die Punk, Die! However, the band’s last performance took place on Wednesday, September 12th, 2001, and the band was never seen or heard from again. As a result the LP remained unheard and dormant for nearly 14 years. In 2013, new material from the band in the form of three songs, was discovered, entitled: Die Punk, Die! Now! In March 2014, all of SS99’s music was released on CD: Die Punk, Die! with Die Punk, Die! Now! as bonus material. The CD is designed as a handsome six panel, digipak, loaded with plenty of photographs of the band and a short version of how SS99 came together. The CD includes such songs as: “SSUSA,” “NI4NI,” “Every Man For Himself,” “Rise Of The Insects,” and many more that were performed, including two cover songs the band popularized in their live set. The new material includes the ominous track: “Where Have You Been,” featuring Norwegian crooner Mark Steiner as backing vocalist. ONLY 500 CD’s were pressed making this an extremely limited edition release. Available at: SpySociety99.com, MykeHideous.com, or EmpireHideous.com ONLY!

Released: March 2014


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