October Noir with Myke Hideous, “The Ages” single now available

The track “The Ages” was originally titled “Between Us” when it was originally written by Myke Hideous & bassist/singer Tom Noir of October Noir, a gothic metal band based out of Florida. The two put the song together in 2020, while working together in another musical project called Morte DeToni.…

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Living The American Nightmare DVD

Living The American Nightmare DVDs available while supplies last! I’m currently selling the few copies I have of this 2 hour documentary film I produced. Copies are extremely limited!! First come, first served. If you haven’t already gotten this DVD, this is your last chance to get it directly from…

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End of 2014 Update!

As some of you may or may not know, The Empire Hideous is no longer a functioning band; meaning the band no longer has members and no longer does public performances. In February of 2008, Myke Hideous (lead vocalist and founder of the band) made an announcement to Hideous fans…

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SpySociety99 – Die Punk, Die! Press Release

SpySociety99 Album: Die Punk, Die! In 1998, after having immediately departing as lead singer from The Misfits, Myke Hideous formed the musical foundations of the band: SpySociety99, (aka SS99). A band consisting of special agents who would brutally take down the boring establishment of stagnant, contemporary and artificially produced music…

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