SpySociety99 – Die Punk, Die! Press Release

Album: Die Punk, Die!

In 1998, after having immediately departing as lead singer from The Misfits, Myke Hideous formed the musical foundations of the band: SpySociety99, (aka SS99). A band consisting of special agents who would brutally take down the boring establishment of stagnant, contemporary and artificially produced music and the record labels that created them. Hideous quickly changed his name to the mysterious Special Agent SpY99. Shortly thereafter, SpY99 recruited other musicians to join the ranks of this radical band. Those included were Special Agent In-Ovo (aka Josep Pla)-guitarist, Special Agent G-13 (aka Byron Barbieri)-drummer and Special Agent Que (aka Dan Esser)-bassist. After a few months of covert briefing in a bunker located in a remote part of the Arctic Tundra, this band of malcontents appeared at The Bank in NYC, for their first tactical assault on spectators with their brainwashing music abilities. Thereby recruiting additional followers to perfect their plan of chaos.

As the band racked up performances, so too did they rack up the numbers of brainwashed drones, whom, through the sounds that their instruments produced, the band was able to instruct countless acts of chaos and dismay. To further their abilities, SS99 soon recorded a 4 song, self titled demo CD that they circulated to the masses. This CD was extremely limited in its numbers. (If you received it, you were one of the luck ones who didn’t end up on a milk carton.) Eventually, by the year 2000 and after their world scare known as Y2K (yes, SS99 was responsible for that), tragedy struck. Special Agent In-Ovo went MIA, and a new recruit had to be sought. Two in particular agents who were recruited to play guitar were: Agent Jack Frost (7 Witches, Bronx Casket Co, Savatage) and Agent Orange (aka J-Sin Trioxin – Mister Monster, Wednesday 13).

Performances continued throughout the east coast of the US, as did the number of mindless drones. SS99 was pulling in large numbers of agents who, after receiving their cryptic instructions, carried out their destructive missions. In early 2001, SS99 recorded their full set list of songs for a planned CD release entitled: Die Punk, Die! However, shortly before the planned release of this CD album, the tragedy of 9/11 struck America. And on 9/12, after performing what would be SS99’s final performance in a club in NJ, the band vanished without a trace.

Some say the agents of SS99 took assignments over seas to fight the scumbag forces of the Taliban and the giant twat known as Osama Bin Laden. But no one really knows for sure. What is known about the lost band is this: In late 2013, secret data files of SS99 were unearthed near an old sulfur mine in NY. Included in these findings were their most treasured secret weapons used for brainwashing. That being the very music SS99 created. An entire, full length album of material consisting of: 4 songs previously released from the original line up of agents – 7 songs previously unreleased, but part of their original set list, and here’s the big find; 3 new songs recorded in 2012, in what is suspected to be a new version of SS99 special agents. (But no one really knows for sure.)

Nevertheless, 14 songs by SpySociety99 are to be released on CD as: Die Punk, Die! With the new found, 3 song, bonus material featured under the title of: Die Punk, Die! Now!, This CD is due to be released to the public in mid March of 2014. A strict limited edition of ONLY 500 CD’s will be pressed due to the extreme content of material and subliminal frequencies contained within the music.

Since there is no band to support this effort, no tours are scheduled. The CD will only be available through MykeHideous.com & EmpireHideous.com web sites.

Die Punk, Die! songs include:

  • Walking With Lacanthropy
  • Killing You
  • NI4NI
  • Rise Of The Insects
  • Every Man For Himself
  • Clock Stopped Ticking
  • The Drag
  • Horror Biz*
  • Lagartija Nick*
  • Too Dead

Die Punk, Die! Now! bonus songs include: “Where Have You Been?” (featuring: Mark Steiner on backing vocals), “Bogus” & “Nostalgia.”

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